Welcome to my blog about “women’s health” and pelvic physiotherapy!
On my blog you can expect to read a lot of interesting and useful information about all the problems women spend their lives dealing with! This includes a long list of subjects I will be writing about including pelvic floor muscles, the bladder and bowels, sex, periods, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.
The idea of writing this blog started because as a women’s health hysiotherapist, I spend my day talking about the pelvic floor and how simple lifestyle changes along with the right treatment can alleviate pain and improve a patient’s quality of life. Some women feel very isolated or even embarrassed and ashamed to speak about problems such as incontinence, painful periods, painful sex and pelvic pain, but in most cases, they don’t know that not only are there several treatment options available (pelvic physiotherapy is one of them) but that these are problems that are more common than they might think.
Therefore, I decided to write this blog essentially to empower women, providing them with access to evidenced-based information, resources and treatment options. Ultimately, this will help them to be in control of their symptoms or prevent possible problems that may affect pelvic health. This blog may also function as a good resource for husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, friends or family members who want to understand what their loved ones are going through and how can they help.
Being a women is not easy….but it’s about to become easier!